
Welcome to the Scarrowbeck benefice.  This encompasses the parishes of Alby, Calthorpe, Erpingham, Gunton, Hanworth, Ingworth and Thwaite.  

Information about forthcoming services can be found in Keeping in Touch - printed copies available in all churches in the benefice.  

For an online copy - click on the menu lines above the text on this page and select "Keeping in Touch."  You will need to scroll down.....


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For forthcoming services, please refer to the front of Keeping in Touch.  

(Click on the three bars at the top of the page.) 









The priest in charge of the Scarrowbeck benefice is Canon Heather Butcher. 

25, Muskett Way, Aylsham.  NR11 6GF

01263 735 922



Heather's working days are Wednesday, Thursday, and two Sundays per month.

The lay ministers/readers in the benefice help take services but also compile a prayer list and visit parishioners at home.

If you, or anyone you know, would like to be included on our prayer list, please let Angela know.

If you would like a home visit for any reason, or home communion, please contact Helen and it will be arranged at a time to suit you.

Angela Parkes           07799 69 281

Helen Burrell              01263  768 209

Colin Willis                 01263 577 288

Ian Andrews               01263  732 780

St. Mary's church, Erpingham - help with the cost of living table.

There is a community table at the back of church. 

Please donate any excess, or take what you need.  

There are food and fuel grants available for Ingworth residents.  

For a gift aid declaration form,

Please Click Here

To donate to St. Mary's Erpingham, please scan the QR code below. 


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